Cathy M. Middleton, Esq. is a twenty plus year veteran matrimonial and family law attorney and has successfully litigated more than a thousand paternity, child support, custody, visitation, orders of protection cases and complex divorce matters. Her client list includes professional athletes, musical artists and everyday men and women who seek top-notch legal representation.
Middleton is a leading national expert in the areas of upward modifications and downward modifications of child support orders as well as child support arrears cases. She has worked closely with state and federal offices of child support enforcement in resolving some of the most complex child support arrears problems to come before the family court system.
Cathy Middleton’s extensive knowledge and legal skills have made her a well sought after matrimonial attorney both in the New York City area and throughout the country. She is also a popular legal commentator for a host of nationally syndicated radio and television shows where she educates people about their legal rights and imparts onto them the tools they need to solve their own family law problems.